About Our Club
The Croatian American Cultural Center, Sacramento, est. 1976, is a thriving club consisting of many generations of Croatian Americans. As a group, the members of the Croatian American Cultural Center have successfully acquainted the local and surrounding communities with the Croatian culture, as well as preserved for future Croatian posterity in Northern California Croatia’s many age-old, colorful traditions.
The Croatian people are generally a tight-knit group well known for their hospitality and willingness to help others. This generosity extends to helping those in need, notably many Croatian refugees left homeless, penniless and hopeless after the war. The Croatian American Cultural Center is also a haven for Croatian immigrants who have recently come to the United States in need of guidance and support. The Croatian American Cultural Center was built on this humanitarian generosity, as many years ago the club’s founding members, immigrants themselves, helped one another as they each settled in the Sacramento area. They became family to one another since in most cases, relatives were left behind in Croatia as the newcomers sought better lives for themselves in America. Eventually, this group of friends, acting on a dream they had for many years, purchased a piece of property and referred to it simply as “the land” and together, turned it into the Croatian American Cultural Center which today has earned respect and admiration from Croatian communities all over the United States.
Though our community is small we are strong in pride and love for our Croatian roots and it is this love and pride that has fueled the success of our club, especially the success of such events as the Croatian Extravaganza, which is an annual festival hosted in Sacramento the second weekend in June.
Membership Information
The Croatian American Cultural Center always welcomes new members. An applicant for membership shall be a person of Croatian descent or a person who is a spouse of a person of Croatian descent.
The applicant must be sponsored by two existing Members of CACC, who must endorse the application.
You can download Membership Application, fill it out, and mail to: Croatian American Cultural Center, 3730 Auburn Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95821.
If you have any membership or general questions please fill out the form below and we will get back to you shortly.